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Cannes Lions… The champion of creative excellence.

WHAT kind of creative excellence though?

Apparently, the Lions champion some types of creative excellence MUCH more often than the others.

Yes. Despite the changing judges, The Lions have favored tropes they like to award!


So if you are working hard to score some lions,
here are some of the questions you should ask yourself

…and get out the work that ticks the checkbox and tickles the Lions' fancy!

Want to create the works that Cannes Lion like?
Ask yourself one of these 45 questions...

(These following lists apply to both a commercial and a non-profit brief.
However, for lists specific to only a non-profit brief, you can jump to number 36.)

1. Is there a cliché associated with your product category or your intended media? Do the opposite of that cliché!


2. Is there a law that your product or target audiences have a problem with? Challenge the law!


3. Do people have problem accessing your product/service? Give people a new access through what they regularly use!


4. Does your brand has its own space? Give the brand's space to those in need!


5. Is there an everyday issue your product can fix? Get your product to people who suffer the most from that issue!


6. Is there a way of doing things, whether by your brand or consumers, that doesn't have to be exactly that way? Make a small change that can create a big impact!


7. Is there a group of people who can’t use your product? Help them to be able to use your product!


8. Is there a group of people your product category never represent? Show the previously unseen!


9. Are your target audiences mostly liberal or young? Dare to choose a political side that would angers the minority conservatives!


10. Is there an iconic thing that can be related to your brand/ brand's message? Put your product right next to the iconic thing!


11. Do your product has a quirk that mildly annoys people? Turn your product’s annoying trait into something lovable!


12. Are your consumers fans of a something? Help them to be a part of what they love!


13. Is your product relating to something fictional? Blur the line between reality and fiction!


14. Is your brand the underdog in your category? Challenge the bigger brands!


15. Is your brand doing something good that most other brands aren’t doing? Call them out on it!


16. Do your competitors have a lot of media space? Turn their space into your advertising platform!


17. Do people find using your product inconvenient in anyway? Find a solution no matter how small the inconvenience!


18. Do your typical consumers have a bad habit? Encourage your audience to improve their behavior!


19. Do your audiences have something they need that another group of audiences can offer? Become their matchmaker!


20. Want to prove how good your product is? Find the most extreme situation for it to tackle!


21. Is your product/cause something that people don’t care about? Leave the scene to show what it would be like without you!


22. Need an influencer for your product or cause? Tailor-made one yourself!


23. Want to use a famous figure to boost your campaign? Attach yourself to them without hiring them!


24. Has a dead person related to your product or cause? Have them connect with your audiences from beyond the grave!


25. Does your brand want to give out a discount? Make the act of getting that discount winning by itself!


26. Is there a boring moment when people use your product/service? Make it exciting!


27. Want to celebrate creativity? Create a platform to let your consumers create something themselves!


28. Does your target audiences have cultural traditions? Turn that tradition into the solution to your brief!


29. Does your campaign really need a lot of participators or just the buzz? If it is just the buzz, make the campaign super exclusive!


30. Does your brand has a delivery? Find a way for your customers to make an order from unexpectedly places!


31. Does your client provide online service? Find offline people and bring them online!


32. Does your product create wastes from production or consumption? Turn that waste into something usable!


33. Is there something relevant to your brand that is about to disappear? Be its lease on life!


34. Has there been an infamous goof related to your brand? Bring it up to laugh along with the audiences!


35. Your clients want to use a billboard? Make the billboard come alive!





36. Do people have problems taking your problem seriously? Make it tangible.


37. Do you have problems getting people to listen to your cause? Hide your cause under the guise of entertainment.


38. Does your cause already have a lot of awareness but too little action? Find the easiest action for people to do.


39. Do you still need people to sympathize with your cause? Find something in common between your audience and the people needing help.


40. Is your cause something people view negatively? Celebrate it.


41. Do the opponents of your cause have their own spaces? Hijack that space.


42. Is there a negative outcome that is created as a result of the problem your cause is fighting against? Turn it into something positive.


43. Is your cause about women or LGBTQ+ people? Change the gender of something stereotypically gendered.


44. Does your cause need people to do something? Combine what they need to do with what they want to do.


45. Is your cause about something that is hard to diagnose? Combine the diagnose method with your targets typical behaviors.

And ... For those with a CSR/non-profit brief in mind,
ask yourself one of the following 10 questions...

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