20. Want to prove how good your product is? Find the most extreme situation for it to tackle!
Typical advertising campaign is about showing how good the product is. To make your campaign extra special enough to earn the audience and media buzz as well as consideration from the judges, it’s the time to put your product to the test in an extreme situation that will really prove how good your product really is.
The extreme situation doesn’t even have to be a life-or-death situation (although it CAN be if your product can really achieve the task). The key is how do you creatively push the envelope of product demonstration.
So what are the examples?
Tasty ketchup VS the worst restaurants.
Ketchup to the Rescue
Electric car VS the most isolated village.
Village Electrique
Alcohol gel VS the most disgusting contact.
Nastiest Test
Tough bag VS the most breakable situation.
The Toughest Bag
Quick delivery service VS the busiest people.
The Lunch Gap Searcher
Nice airport VS the longest layover.
Stock sound VS a completely silent classic.
Getty Images Nosferatu
Quality snack VS the pickiest critic.
Grandma-Tested Goodness
Fresh grocery VS freshest daily media.
Fresh Prints
Trustable truck VS impossible stunts.
Volvo Live Test Series