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8. Is there a group of people your product category never represent? Show the previously unseen.

In the age of inclusivity, it is better not to stick with stereotypical images. Aside from potentially good PR, it will help your brand to stand out. No matter how diverse you think your category has been, there is surely a group of people who aren’t yet represented. While representation is mostly about breaking taboo and changing the norm, there are other benefits to remembering the forgotten people, so you should think beyond visual. The most important key of representing the previously unrepresented is to thinking about how to improve their lives, and visibility isn't the only way. Is there a data of a group of people no one ever care to collect even though it could lead to a more inclusive invention? Is there a group of people who is never included in the production process of something even though only them understand what people like them would appreciate?

So what are the examples?

A temporary plaque to honor the forgotten black people who have helped shaping up British history.
The Black Plaque Project

Spotify spotlighting deaf music curators.
Coda Playlist Curated by Deaf People

Volvo saving female drivers/passengers by creating opensource safety research database on women for the first time.
The E.V.A. Initiative

New CPR training using female training mannequins for the first time to increase women’s survival rate.

Textbooks including female historical figures through AR technology.
Lesson in Herstory

Gillete including a transman in their commercial.
First Shave

Sexual conversation remembering that old people still have sex lives.
The Joy of Later Life Sex

Barbie showing the doll taking on non stereotypical female jobs.
Never Before Barbie

Taxis including people with disabilities as their drivers.

Greeting card extending the range to sooth women who suffer from miscarriage.
Card of Acknowledgement

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